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Testimony on the Cost by Jaya Priya Reinhalter

Jaya Priya Reinhalter holds a BA from Mount Holyoke College, and a MA in Geography from the University of Hawai’i. Her academic work focused on community development and she is currently researching and developing curriculum around community organizing and restorative systems for communities. She has previous experience working with the Institute on Religion and Public Policy as a policy researcher, was Intelligence Coordinator for the political consulting firm, Just Consulting, and development associate at Crossway Community for women escaping domestic violence and trafficking. Today she serves as the Global Outreach Director of the Kashi Foundation, and sits on the Global Council of Trustees for the United Religions Initiative. 


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  • John Clements
    commented 2017-11-23 01:28:31 -0500
    I think Hillary should be investigated for her emails,treason,uranium deal,and the clinton foundation :-) 11/22/17
  • John Clements
    followed this page 2017-11-23 01:28:07 -0500