Raed Jarrar (Arabic: رائد جرار) is an Arab-American architect, blogger, and political advocate based in the U.S. Capital Washington, DC. Raed Jarrar translated the new Iraqi Oil Law that was proposed by the Bush Administration. He also translated multiple copies of the U.S.-Iraqi Security Agreement signed between the two nations in 2008. Jarrar testified before the U.S. Congress in two hearings, and helped invite three Iraqi Parliamentary delegations that testified before the U.S. congress in 2007 and 2008.
Additional Resources:
Raed Jarrar: US Destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan was a "Premeditated" Crime May 13, 2016
An Iraqi Perspective: How America's Destruction of Iraq Society Led to Today's Chaos June 20, 2014
"We've Lost Our Country": An Iraq American Looks Back at a Decade of War that's Devastated a Nation -March 19, 2013
Violence Sparks in Iraq as U.S. Considers Ways to Extend Occupation Past December Deadline - August 19, 2011
Obama Admin Claims to End Combat Operations in Iraq, But Iraqis See Same War Under a Different Name- August 20, 2010
We Must Force Obama to Stick to his Deadline to Withdraw from Iraq- Raed Jarrar Alternet May 18, 2010
U.S. Announces Withdrawal of 8,000 Troops from Iraq, Leaked U.S.-Iraqi Draft Agreement Envisions Indefinite Occupation- September 10, 2008
Where is Raed Now? Mother Jones May/June 2008 Issue
The Iraqi Civil War Bush and the Media Don't Tell You About- Alternet Raed Jarrar March 23, 2008
Bush, Malik Break Iraqi Law to Renew U.N. Mandate for Occupation Alternet December 19, 2007
New Iraq Oil Law to Open Iraq's Oil Reserves to Western Companies- February 20, 2007
Iraq's Sectarian Bloodshed, Made in the USA- Alternet August 9, 2006
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