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Testimony on the Cost by John Hutto

Jonathan Hutto is a human rights activist and National Member of Veterans for Peace (VFP). An alumnus of Howard University, a Navy veteran and experienced community organizer, Jonathan co-founded and led the Appeal For Redress from January 2007 to January 2009. The Appeal For Redress was a movement led by active duty, reserve and National Guard members to appeal to their members of Congress, through legal means, to end the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and return all the troops home. The movement successfully mobilized over 2000 members of the active duty military to send appeals to their members of Congress. The Appeal for Redress was featured on the Emmy Award winning program 60 Minutes in February 2007 and received the coveted Letelier Moffitt Human Rights Award from the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) Fall 2007. Jonathan published a memoir on his experiences within the United States Navy titled "Anti-War Soldier" in 2008 from Nation Books. Jonathan separated Honorably from the Navy in August 2011 and returned to community based organizing in Prince Georges County, Maryland.

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The "Appeal for Redress" held a press conference, on Oct. 17, 2007, on Capitol Hill, in the Rayburn Building. The group of 2,050 active duty military members is calling on the U.S. Congress "to end the occupation of Iraq." It is also warning the Bush-Cheney Gang from "repeating the same mistake in Iran." For background on the "Appeal for Redress," check out: Sharing his views was Jonathan Hutto, active duty sailor, US Navy, who is stationed in Norfolk, VA. He is the co-founder of "Appeal for Redress." Sponsoring the event was the "Institute for Policy Studies," of which John Cavanagh is the Director. See for more info: 

John Hutto on Voting as a Tool - November 12, 2016

John Hutto Interviewed on 60 minute over the Appeal for Redress- June 5, 2016 

 About Face: Soldiers Call for Iraq Withdrawal- December 16, 2006 

Anti-War Soldier: An Interview with Jonathan Hutto- June 6, 2008 

Anti-War Soldier Jonathan Hutto: People, Not Politicians, Will End the War in Iraq- June 4, 2008 

Jonathan Hutto Solidarity Statement with Lt. Watada for Dec. 2  

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