Yes It Was Blood for Oil (Pt. 2) CODEPINK Nails the Truth about Bush's Wars Richard Behan/January 4, 2017/LA Progressive
George W. Bush’s Criminal Wars of Aggression: a Detailed History (Pt.1) Richard Behan/December 15, 2016/CounterPunch |
Remembering the Costs of the Iraq War in the Age of Trump Phyllis Bennis/ January 5, 2017/ The Nation
Stacy Bannerman/January 2, 2017/Salon/Alternet
We Need a New Kind of AntiWar Movement Rachel Gilmer/December 13, 2016/Alternet |
War based on deception: Bush’s Iraq lies, uncontested, will haunt us under Donald Trump Medea Benjamin/December 2, 2016/Salon
Bush's Iraq Lies, Uncontested, Will Haunt Us Under Trump Medea Benjamin/December 2, 2016/Truth Out
People's Tribunal on the Iraq War Unifies Peace Movements The December meeting to unify global antiwar movements was organized by CodePink. Jodie Evans /December 2, 2016/ The Real News Network
An Open Letter to Obama from an Iraq War Spouse Before he leaves office, Obama should set up a truth commission on the Iraq War. Stacy Bannerman/December 1, 2016/Foreign Policy in Focus
The Iraq War Was a Huge Ethical Leap Backwards From the Big Lie to torture and sectarian violence, the U.S. and the Middle East are still paying the price for our moral perversions in Iraq. Michael Lerner/December 1, 2016/Foreign Policy in Focus
Bush’s Iraq Lies, Uncontested, Will Haunt Us Under Trump Reminder: Iraq posed absolutely no threat to the United States. Medea Benjamin/December 1, 2016/Alternet
CIA Analyst to Iraq Tribunal: Wolfowitz Pushed Multiple Investigations of “Pure Fiction” The allegations that Saddam possessed weapons of mass destruction are lies.
Elizabeth Murray/December 1, 2016/AlterNet
About That Iraq Promise, Mr. President
Stacy Bannerman: The Iraq War mistake forced my now ex-husband to serve two year-long tours in Iraq. His severe post-combat trauma led to a crystal meth addiction that cost me my home, my job, and everything I loved. Stacy Bannerman/LA Progressive
People's Tribunal on the Iraq War Set to Open Thursday December 1, 2016
Day One of Iraq Tribunal to Focus on Lies that Led to War, Create Roadblock to Future Wars Under Trump, CODEPINK MEDIA ADVISORY
Tribunal to Expose Lies and Costs of Iraq War Post-Election, Serve as Roadblock to Trump Wars, CODEPINK PRESS RELEASE
Rising Up With Sonali' Interview with CODEPINK's Jodie Evans November 29, 2016
Finally, a US tribunal on the Iraq War! Phillip Weiss/November 29,2016/ Mondoweiss
The People's Tribunal on the Iraq War with Sam Koplinka-Loehr and Elizabeth Murray - Podcast, November 28, 2016
Vet Family Supporter Testifies Against the Iraq War November 28, 2016/
What the Anti-War Movement Can Learn from the Black Radical Tradition,
Ciara Taylor/November 1st, 2016/The RealNews Network
'He Carried the Ghosts of the Casualties of War': The Terrible Pain After You Come Home "I kept waiting for him to come home, and when he finally did, he wasn't alone." Stacy Bannerman/October 30, 2016/Alternet
We Must Tell the Truth About the Iraq War,
Jodie Evans/October 30th, 2016/TruthDig
Testimony to the US Tribunal on Iraq by Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguiret,
October 30, 2016/AlterNet
Now More Than Ever, We Must Tell the Truth About the Iraq War,
Jodie Evans/October 28, 2016/AlterNet
What the Black Radical Tradition Can Teach Us About Rebuilding the Antiwar Movement, Ciara Taylor/October 17, 2016/Alternet
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